Monday, June 22, 2009

Some stuff from May 2009

Mother's Day we first took Mom Mitchler for breakfast and then went to church as a family. It was a great morning. I wish I had taken pictures!
We then had dinner at Mom Lengle's house. Uncle Keath from Edmonton was visiting as well, which was great!! Lily LOVES her sand table and can always be found near it! Uncle Bryan was a good sport, keeping her company!

Family enjoying the sun
Surprising Nana with potted flowers in hanging baskets

The kids

More presents

My Dad has a trunk fully of volleyballs, basketballs, dodgeballs, etc. Lily has to have EVERY ONE out on the lawn

For some reason, Lily found it hilarious when Bryan and Karen were playing volleyball. She laughed sooooo hard!

The "flowers" Lily picked for Mommy on her trip to the park
Family time, watching "Family Guy" LOL

Showing off her Princess towel she got from Great Auntie Judy and Great Uncle Terry!
In May, Lily came down with croup. It was the first time we've ever really seen her struggle with being sick. Her high fever just took everything out of her. But thankfully, she was all better in 4 days. :)
Snuggling with Daddy
At the end of May, we decided to try Lily in a "big girl bed". Because we can't afford a new bed for her just yet, we decided to just take off the side railing of her crib. She has done wonderful ever since. She hasn't really fallen out yet. She sometimes gets out of bed in the morning and plays around in her room until we come and get her. We're glad she's adjusting well. :)
May is a big month for birthdays. Mom and Dad Mitchler both celebrate their birthdays at the end of May. We had them and Brent and Erica over for cake/coffee after a great dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory. We love when family can come together to celebrate!
I made this cake! Can you tell?! pffft... it tasted better than it looked
Blowing out their candles
When I was doing the dishes one day, I noticed Lily was extra quiet. You know that means trouble with a toddler. I found her hands and feet COVERED in black felt, as well as the walls. Thankfully it was all washable.

And THEN, she decided to do this........
Silly Monkey!
Lily knows most of her colours but she's having a problem identifying "brown"... *laughs*

1 comment:

Colleen & Ian said...

Ahhh...gotta be thanking someone for the miracle of washable markers!!!