Thursday, April 15, 2010

Long time, no blog! Sorry. :(

Here are some moments of our little girl growing up. :)

Lily wearing her new nightgown from Maureen R. ;)

Can you believe we were able to go to White Rock beach the first week of March?!?!

Looking for crabs and shells

Still anal about dirty hands!

Lily with her best friend, Grandpa. They are too cute together!

Moments like this melt my heart!

Lily and Merrick, sharing Lily's couch

They are ridiculously funny together.
This is Lily's doll stroller.
Yep, it's broken now.

They get into everything, together. :)

Lily came up to me one morning with my blue nail polish and said, "I want toes to match Mommy's toes"... and now they match.

Cuddle time with Daddy

Easter was fun this year, as Lily really understood the bunny and egg thing.

Dying eggs after colouring them with a white crayon

She was impatient, but they turned out good.

Lily's eggs

One of her "daycare" buddies is Jacksen, who turned 2 this year.
Lily was sooo excited to be invited to his party!

Lily: Jacksen, do you wanna play with me?
Jacksen: Uh, ya.
Lily: Ok.

Birthday boy!

Toy Story themed cupcakes

Jacksen: Logan, look at your face!

Easter at the Mitchler's. Lily wouldn't take a nice picture with Mommy, so here's what we got! (that's a rubber thimble on her thumb)

Daddy's photo shoot of his daughter

She tried to sit nicely for Daddy.

Easter egg hunt

Lily: Moooooom! *scoff

Easter egg hunt at the Lengle's

The whole family watching, with Easter pina coladas in hand!
No, seriously. They're delicious!

Uncle Jeremy brought an official Olympic torch to show everyone.
It's heavier than you think!!
Lily's photo shoot....

Daddy, from Lily's view

Picture of Bert, the cat

A better picture of Bert.