Friday, May 23, 2008

May- random happenings

Here are some random pictures from random events. :)
Comin to gettcha!

Eating perogies for the first time!
Closing her eyes knowing the flash was coming (AMC in the background)
Mother's Day, we had it at our little place. My grandparents were still in town so they joined the fun. Unfortunately, Grandma had a pretty bad reaction to some medication she took, but after a couple hours she felt well enough to sit and eat with us. So grateful to have everyone together for the day! :)

Great Grandma Lengle and Lily reading
Megan taking up all the room

Father and son (Great Grandpa and Grandpa Lengle)
Lily having some fun
Uncle and Aunt playing
Lily being funny
See my bum?!
Auntie Megan and Lily
Eating her "baba"
The cake
Kisses from Grandpa
Three Generations
The Kids
4 Generations of Lengle's

Dragging her telephone
Lily and Mommy in the morning
Lily likes Mommy's new glasses